Kodular app in Android 11

When will Kodular Allow to User too use app in Android 11. Or anyone know how to use app in Android 11 version. My app is published in Playstore & it’s working properly in Android 10 but in Android 11 app is crashing & my users uninstall the app. :pleading_face:

I think the problem is for imperfect SDK.

Kodular Have a solid API only upto Android 10.

I am not sure. :roll_eyes:

Kodular not supported Api 30 / Android 11 yet

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Yes, I am also saying this thing.

  • Implemented Target SDK 30 .
    This is a hotfix so you can keep publishing your apps. Some bugs may occur in Android 11 devices.

@Ariyan_AD from project settings you set Minimum SDK Level not targeting SDK

The minimum Android version your phone must be on for your app to run. The Android system will prevent the user from installing the application if its Android version is lower than the value specified.

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Ooo! Sry @dora_paz & @chzeeshan62760   :sweat_smile:

I was forgot about that? :man_facepalming:

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