Kodular Eagle Bug on changing Button background colours

I checked out Bugs in Kodular Eagle before creating a new topic

Describe your issue

Hi Kodular Team…,
In kodular Eagle…, A bug found…

The Button Click event or any other event doesn’t working when button’s background color changing to Dark Gray (#616161FF)

Video :-

Apk :-
Bug.apk (5.2 MB)

Steps to reproduce the issue

I don’t know :grinning:

Expected Behaviour

I wanna "when button click or any other event…, Then, Change the button’s background color to black grey (#616161FF(

Actual Behaviour

Button’s background color doesn’t changing to black gray (#616161FF)

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Android version


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Why have u not uploaded the aia

I think you meant Android 7.0 Nougat. Lollipop is 5.0, 5.0.1, or 5.1.1

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