Kodular Starter v2.0

New version is available now!

What’s New

  • Executable files available for Linux, Windows and macOS (64-bit only)
  • Embedded adb inside.
  • Faster performance


  • No need to download and install Python
  • No need to download and install adb
  • We will update the docs shortly.

Get it from here


Why did it say you replied to me?

This is new topic. No way I could reply to you.

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Pls Release 32bit Support Windows My Pc Is 32bit


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@pavi2410 The new version is great. But there are some issues like :
The connection is successful but kodular shows too many popups that an internal error has occurred but if you ignore these popups the companion is connected successfully

i have discord

cant get it

Everyone please don’t go off topic. The topic is about Kodular Starter not notification issues from kodular. As far as I know there is another topic for this issue. Here at this topic share your thoughts about Kodular Starterto make it even more better.


I downloaded this back in 2019 and Windows Defender found this as malware. Why did that happen? This new version is not considered malware by Windows Defender anymore.

Probably a false positive on the Python scripts. Nothing to worry about.

Awesome work on the starter!


Do you guys get these errors too

I downloaded the starter…installed it. Then connected the device.
Turned ‘ON’ the USB debugging. But not able to get it working.

It show No device connected.
Also checked it with https://starter.kodular.io/, it shows ‘Starter is running, but has not found the device’

Why so?

I am on Windows 10

after setting on debugging did you allow your computer for debugging I mean a popup shows and ask for allowing computer to debug.

It may still be going under construction.

Yes, I clicked OK on the Allow USB debugging? dialogue


If you setup debugging properly then you would be able to see your device in file explorer and also be able to see and edit mobile files

Just tested and Kodular Starter 2.0 works on my system:

starter.kodular.io detects both the starter as running and my phone to be connected.


Its Working Perfectly other than the bugs @zainulhassan reported. It is Also Not opening New Screens. It Takes a lot of time to open a new screen even if it opens. Other than that,Its a great improvement and a great alternative to companion app.

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Done! Got it working! :smiley:
After turning ‘ON’ the USB debugging, I set the Use USB to option to ‘Transfer files’.

And yes I also got the internal error dialogue repeatedly as @zainulhassan reported earlier