Kodular Starter v2.0

To get an interface to match with the starter.kodular.io website. If Kodular releases an ElectronJS version of the Kodular Starter, they should also include the original command prompt version.

If you are to suggest any changes, please open a new topic under #feedback. I repeat,

I repeat again, I do not see it necessary

But, if you want you can contribute it at Kodular Community · GitHub


@yanquisalexander, If Kodular chooses to build Kodular Starter using ElectronJS, then they should include the original command prompt version. Also, Microsoft Teams, Discord for desktop, Slack for desktop, and WhatsApp for desktop are built with ElectronJS. All those apps including many others were built with ElectronJS. And if you use Google Chrome or the Chromium based Microsoft Edge, then don’t be embarrassed that ElectronJS is also built using Chromium.

There would be no benefit of doing this.



It’s not a question of being something embarrassing

But I invite you to ask yourself this question: Why add unnecessary things to something that works perfectly?

As we have said, it would only increase both the weight and the workload on the computer, in addition to having to work on more code, since each OS executes things in different ways, and more so on Linux, where there are thousands of distributions

If you still want to go ahead with the idea, as I said, you can create it yourself and post it on GitHub in the Kodular-Community organization

Or maybe create another app with various utilities, including the “Kodular Starter server” (Maybe a Kodular Toolbox)


i dont know if its only with me but i do not get any run time errors on my computer screen when i use kodular starter also “do it” doesnt seem to work. Everything works fine normally.

Edit: “do it” doesnt seem to work as in it executes if it has to do something on the screen but i dont get the comment thingy “do it” on my pc’s screen.


Al the time I getting this error,
Please help me with this.

Do you have adb installed?

Can you show me the full error log?

Check the picture and you’ll see that ADB is installed.

Just tested usb connection and this is what I get, same problem, no connection.

You have to wait for a while and keep the companion open and also the kodular website should be in the foreground, idk why but it works for me. It doesnt when i switch to any other i have to wait till everything is completed, takes around a minute or so

Yes, I have Installed ADB Driver.

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Try to keep clicking cancel. It is a known bug, suggested in previous posts.

There would be another option in the dialog to “Prevent this site from showing popups”. You can also check that instead of cancelling again and again.

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I have already tried(Cancelling) on mobile(Live Test) showing a white screen. Any other solution?

Hi everyone, Im new to this community. I wanna ask how do I execute starter v2.0 on linux?. im using mx linux and after I download the file, I was stuck cuz theres no executable files inside the folder. Can someone simplified the steps for linux? I was searching nearly 2 hours already please help.

which file and what command should I use? Thanks