Kodular website not working

Plz team inform us ehen it will solve…my customer waiting and i have no answer

The worst thing is waiting more than 24 hours and it still isn’t working, and we have no information whether it will come back or not.

My new client find another developer and old clients disappoint with my late service now because of your delay…plz reply when it will work again…

Now kodular very big company…start paid plan to…but no company website stop for 1-1 day…what is this yrrr very irritating…,.to wait for live

Is Kodular create apps working. I am getting error “The requested URL /oska/authorize was not found on this server.” Please can any one tell me why I am getting this error

Not Found

The requested URL /oska/authorize was not found on this server.

It works for me both yesterday and today. Opera browser, Win 7

Not working

I’m trying to open Kodular Creator but it’s not opening from yesterday. I checked the status.kodular.io and the Auth Service is down from yesterday. I have an important project to deliver to my client but the website is not opening. :cry::cry:

Same here yrrr customer not understand our problem they want project soon otherwise they find new developer

When qe will get solution ??

Can send screenshot

We’re in the same situation here… :no_mouth:

Where is kodular team no reply…i think big issue they unable to solve… that’s why not replying

I’m trying to open Kodular Creator but it’s not opening from yesterday. I checked the status.kodular.io and the Auth Service is down from yesterday. I have an important project to deliver to my client but the website is not opening. :cry::cry:

Any expected time for solve issue?

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I think team not working on this issue other in 30 hours issue not removed its not possible

@Kodular ??

Kodular team not take this issue on priority…we loose our customers continue…plz reply when it will workkl

Any idea when it will resolve