Kodular website not working

Same thing here

@aMit_G Please do not spam in the topic, we already have confirmation that they are aware and working to fix this.

There might a some big issue at back-end that taking the time, so keep patience.


Let’s be patient, I’m also waiting too :sweat_smile:

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hi, today since morning i am trying to login my creator account, but i am getting this error message

on my web browser screen which is the first time i am facing this issue since 4 years. can anyone help me with this.

Not Found

The requested URL /oska/authorize was not found on this server.

Guys please stop creating duplicate topics as it doesn’t help. For now, we have this response from the kodular staff.

Please.Fix this problem

if any alternative provide

Not Found

The requested URL /oska/authorize was not found on this server.

The same issu here!!!
Please hurry UP!

pls fix this fast i need my app project to be done tomorrow :")))

what happend with kodular

Issue with the Auth server has been mitigated. Maybe some DNS issues causes your devices to delay accessing the portal again, but should be resolved in the next few minutes.
Apologies for the inconveniences.


I just try to log in just now. Successful to log in :grinning:. Thank you for your info Diego. Ohhhh!!!..I don’t know what I’m going to say after waiting for more than 24 hr. Thank you Kodular staff for solving the issue.

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