Kodular wrong revenue report!

Hello Kodular!
My last january month income is here…
bandicam 2022-01-26 11-06-28-018

Today only added in my account only $7.92 why?

I think there are mistake to calculated commision! anyone face it?
Please help and reply…

Kodular now send revenue in dec month if you earn this amount in January you will only get it by Feb last.:raised_hands:

That means my dec month income added in this month and january month income added will be feb last?so i think kodular should mention it their report section!

Funding your balance(How do I request a payout? - Kodular Docs)

As soon as we receive the money from Google, we will update your balance and make it available for withdrawal. This usually happens between 20th and 25th of the next month .