List problem and tinyDB

Hmm… I don’t know :sweat_smile: I wanted to differentiate each label, but indeed, in a vertical arrangement, that’s enough ^^

@Still-learning I followed your model, I wanted to put a different font size for each text, but it doesn’t work:

EDIT : i found ! i was written FontSIze instead FontSize ^^

So it is working to the expected level or not? By the way you can customonize all labels in the first picture itself. After the id the column is denites the title label, then subtittle then password so you can simplify in this block itself

Yes, all working :slight_smile: I add icon and it’s work to :slight_smile:

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The above method will reduce number of blocks being used. No need to use repetitive blocks and can find the fault easily. If you want to remove the HaB, CD you need to adjust blocks just like whow i did for buttons

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Thanks for all your advice!

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