List View with Airtable

Hello I want to put each URL and name’s song on the List View with the thumbnails of YouTube.
Why is not working?

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It’s more easier to get columns instead of getting cells.
So try this:
On screen initialization gets the column url.And set index var to one ( this will be used to determine which column we are getting )
blocks - 2020-08-22T131536.611
Now it will set the variables to the values it got.Then it will show it in the list ( you will need to add get thumbnail block )


And what values do I have to put at variables initialization?

0 for index, empty list for Names And Urls

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Thanks!! It works perfect!

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You’re welcome :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

And how can I do to open a different depending the card I click?

Did you replaced the list view with dynamic cards? Then use when any card view click ( if you using dynamic extension) and when card view click is u using dynamic card view component.

Yes. I use dynamic cards of the extension. Could you send me the blocks? :sweat_smile: Please :blue_heart:

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You use the dynamic components extension?
Can you tell me how your component ids looks like?

Big images of this guide

Ok.Is your id the same as there?
Then you can try this:

I have already read it but I don’t understand how to do it to do :arrow_double_down:

Actually I am not having laptop, so I am unable to post blocks :disappointed::disappointed::disappointed:

Sorry for inconvenience will post ASAP

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I know it. Don’t worry. Maybe @Mohamed_Tamer could do it :wink:


Can you tell me how your id is formed?So i can help you creating the blocks :wink:
Is it like in @themaayur’s guide?

What IDs? Where can I find it?

You just need a list of links and a id of card view and use its no. As index to get item from list.

How can I get the id of each card?

Use Any card view click block, then you will get component by using it you can get id.