ListPicker elements not working

I am trying to make a translator app and my ListPicker element just doesn’t listen to me.

as you can see there, I made a list called “name” then when the screen opens, I set the elements to the list (dwdawdaw and djhu) but… it doesn’t work. I have also tried like this: and I get the same result. I have downloaded the AIA file from @hanistudio of the H Translate Project and I looked at the code, and it’s the same as mine! I tested hanistudio’s translator app and it works!!! But mine does not! What’s that about Kodular?
Looking forward to someone’s response,
ONT Studios

Where is your list picker button

You may have mistakenly taken list picker instead of list viewer


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Maybe the background color and text colors are the same. Can you change the properties then try again?

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My thoughts exactly


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