LUDO game Online player .ais

Ludo Game with use of firebase online multiplayer…

Demo Apk Ludo Tournament Demo.apk - Google Drive


Default pin Automatic move…
movable pin shining…
all pins will be visible in one block…
Pop up Sound is also used…


Do you made this app or you want this type of app

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this video is mine… and i developed it… and want to sale it…

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Post the apk so other users can try the game.


yes you are right

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How cost of this ais

Pm him

did you make this with canvas or horizontal and vertical arrangement

by using canvas

ok thank you

Im getting this firebase error please check your firebse url & token

actually currently im not selling this…

This post was flagged by the community and is temporarily hidden.

i read somewhere -
Videos shared publicly must be in English.


Yeah you are right @ADDYLIN

just see the process…

does this app move the pawns automatically or does it move the when player clicks the pawn they want to move

yes default pin moves automatically

ok thanks!

What price this game aia