Mobile back button, close window function

I created an app from my website, without configuration just inserted the Http, but when I click the back button of my phone it closes, I would like before closing, return the pages until you get to Home. How do i please

I checked out Bugs in Kodular Eagle before creating a new topic

Describe your issue

Steps to reproduce the issue

Expected Behaviour

Actual Behaviour

Show your Blocks

Android version

Check block components of Web Viewer.
Go Foward, Go Back, Go Home, etc.

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Please can you better explain where these components are, because I’ve searched everywhere …

This is not a bug, please show your blocks

In webview there are blocks that serve to go back you must use them to make it work


Use, when back press, if web can go back then go back else close screen or app,


@ddamerico On you Proyect go to Blocks, on Left side go to Web_Viewer Component and click over this and you see all blocks available for component


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Use This One To Fix Error



I already did it, but I think I’m using the wrong logic, because now it does the process back, but stops on a newsstand page that doesn’t close …
Take a look at the attached print, follow the white page and the logic I used …

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use as @Srrazmi show you blocks

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You need to add Else on condition and Close application.

Click over Gear and you see options. Drop else to if.
Close application, you can found under the screen blocks options.


So sorry, now I understand. You have a white screen.

Tried this ( my example is on screen 4, but work on any screen ).



Blocks provided by @bestprintsf should have worked, else try to see if there is something useful in this thread


Yes, attached print …
I’ve tried several other ways, the back button of the smartphone is set up and doing the right function. The problem is this blank screen that appears after clicking the home page button of the website.
We’ve already tried blocks up places in the text function to finalizes when it gets to the main http, but it also doesn’t work.

Replicate the image from @bestprintsf post above


I already set it up this way and it doesn’t work …

Can you post either the link or a demo aia, so we can take a look at what you are trying to do


@ddamerico don’t work until you set Home Url.
Were you set Home Url, on Designer or Block ?
Post aia file and web link.

To troubleshoot your code use Do it, tip 4 App Inventor: How to Learn | Pura Vida Apps


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I would like to thank you all for your help, really you are very good at this. It worked, I redid and put one more information n block to terminate application.
I got it, thank you!