I do not use spinner
Do you use anything from this ?
or any component you are using having any empty text field ?
my app still doesn’t work. I have implemented the tips but unfortunately it does not work.
09-16 01:47:20.832 3776 3776 E AndroidRuntime: java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.Baxolino.Akku.Manager/io.kodular.bgpsdr.BatteryManger.Screen1}: /tmp/1631727692618_0.37055352105743056-0/youngandroidproject/…/src/io/kodular/bgpsdr/BatteryManger/Screen1.yail:1473:45: unbound location null
09-16 01:47:20.832 3776 3776 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2666)
09-16 01:47:20.832 3776 3776 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2727)
09-16 01:47:20.832 3776 3776 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.-wrap12(ActivityThread.java)
09-16 01:47:20.832 3776 3776 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(ActivityThread.java:1478)
09-16 01:47:20.832 3776 3776 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:102)
09-16 01:47:20.832 3776 3776 E AndroidRuntime: at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:154)
09-16 01:47:20.832 3776 3776 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:6121)
09-16 01:47:20.832 3776 3776 E AndroidRuntime: at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
09-16 01:47:20.832 3776 3776 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(ZygoteInit.java:889)
09-16 01:47:20.832 3776 3776 E AndroidRuntime: at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:779)
09-16 01:47:20.832 3776 3776 E AndroidRuntime: Caused by: /tmp/1631727692618_0.37055352105743056-0/youngandroidproject/…/src/io/kodular/bgpsdr/BatteryManger/Screen1.yail:1473:45: unbound location null
09-16 01:47:20.832 3776 3776 E AndroidRuntime: at gnu.mapping.Location.get(Location.java:67)
09-16 01:47:20.832 3776 3776 E AndroidRuntime: at io.kodular.bgpsdr.BatteryManger.Screen1.lambda403(Screen1.yail:1473)
09-16 01:47:20.832 3776 3776 E AndroidRuntime: at io.kodular.bgpsdr.BatteryManger.Screen1$frame.apply0(Screen1.yail:69)
09-16 01:47:20.832 3776 3776 E AndroidRuntime: at gnu.expr.ModuleBody.applyN(ModuleBody.java:226)
09-16 01:47:20.832 3776 3776 E AndroidRuntime: at io.kodular.bgpsdr.BatteryManger.Screen1$frame.applyN(Screen1.yail)
09-16 01:47:20.832 3776 3776 E AndroidRuntime: at gnu.expr.ModuleMethod.applyN(ModuleMethod.java:216)
09-16 01:47:20.832 3776 3776 E AndroidRuntime: at gnu.kawa.functions.ApplyToArgs.applyN(ApplyToArgs.java:139)
09-16 01:47:20.832 3776 3776 E AndroidRuntime: at gnu.mapping.ProcedureN.apply1(ProcedureN.java:31)
09-16 01:47:20.832 3776 3776 E AndroidRuntime: at io.kodular.bgpsdr.BatteryManger.Screen1.$define(Screen1.yail:10265)
09-16 01:47:20.832 3776 3776 E AndroidRuntime: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Form.onCreateFinish2(SourceFile:503)
09-16 01:47:20.832 3776 3776 E AndroidRuntime: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Form.onCreateFinish(SourceFile:447)
09-16 01:47:20.832 3776 3776 E AndroidRuntime: at com.google.appinventor.components.runtime.Form.onCreate(SourceFile:377)
09-16 01:47:20.832 3776 3776 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.Activity.performCreate(Activity.java:6739)
09-16 01:47:20.832 3776 3776 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(Instrumentation.java:1118)
09-16 01:47:20.832 3776 3776 E AndroidRuntime: at android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(ActivityThread.java:2619)
09-16 01:47:20.832 3776 3776 E AndroidRuntime: … 9 more
Which components you are using in Screen 1 ?
Are they having any empty text field ?
Did you checked your about screen title is empty or not ?
about screen title is not empty
Which components using ? Those are extensions
I have very many should I upload the aia file
Previously in one of our post you uploaded aia but i was not able to upload it in creator may be due to many blocks (as my pc was not able to handle it) or many assets.
So can you upload it with just screen 1?
yes i can do it but only afterwards i am not at home
Is there also a possibility to create a new project and to take over everything so that it can be used as an update?
Now its working absolutely fine thanks for escalating my post @bodymindpower
Thanks @Boban for solving the issue.
The solution -
I just fill all the text fields in the labels and the switch.
I’ll try it out right away, what did you put in a text about?
Yes but if you are using many spinner and don’t want to copy items one by one from blocks
So you can just enter spacebar in the Elements from String properties section it will not lead to crash.
Its work.
Finally i can use my app again
this forum so helpful
thanks a lot.