It can show a edit menu when you press a View by a long-press gesture.

Why? I would like to test this now Looks legit like a feature/extension I could have great use from
Very nice , thank you much
sorry to say …We make extensions by working very hard and give them for free but more than 100 people download them. And 10 to 15 people giving likes so i decided if u like this extensions then ill give u free after 30 likes or more
its already 32 likes
I’m trying to use this extension which looks nice but could you give us a little example, I recreated your blocks but something doesn’t work, hi thanks, great job
Pls show ur block …
these are my only blocks, the components are: Button1, Label1 and ListView1. I would like the popup menu to act on ListView1 and not on Button1. When in the “create” block I have to indicate the “component” if I insert “button1” it works fine but if I insert “list1” it generates an error!
Thanks and bye
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Strange, he can’t load them!
Just try this …
Always the same error if I put List1 in the point of the block where I have to insert the “component”…
Thanks anyway
Dear i just try with verticlelayout as a component it’s working fine
I would need the PopUp menu to be activated on List1 and not on Button1
So I don’t know where I’m going wrong
At this point can you send me your example .aia?
Thanks friend
Are u using listview as a component ?
Yes, as a list
Listen, I upload my .aia File
prova_popUp_Dialog.aia (20.1 KB)
Ok let me checked
Sorry not possible with listview Component u have to create dynamically listview then possible