Mysql cannot connect with hostinger server using the url error 301

hi, i need some help.

i have connect my apps with mysql database by using Hostinger server host. in my apps, i’m creating a form for data input to my database. however, on my apps keep saying “error 301 url moved permanently”. does anyone know why? this is my block.


i have using the correct url

Check with the hosting support team.
Could be .htaaccess

does my url on my block is written in the correct way?

Call It in your browser …
It’s server side issue.”&client=ms-android-motorola-rev2&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8

How to you get my SQL data base url in hostingar please tell me I want get my data base link please

Please any one can help me
Because I have a hostingar hosting but I want get MySQL data base link then how to I get mysql data base link please any one can help me

Upload the script in public_html folder in file manager provided by hostinger

Than your url will be - https://yourdomain/MySQL.php it just a example…

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I have already complet the process but how I can finde url can you show img

Show the screenshot of your file manager where you store the file
And also your domain name

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This is our database

I asked about your filemanager screenshot not of your MySQL database…

:person_facepalming::person_facepalming::person_facepalming: Post your screenshot of your filemanager (full screenshot where your store your php file).
And your website url also

I am also looking to use Hostinger as database. any luck so far??

I think there is a confusion in your question: Hostinger is a HOST. The name of the Database Manager is different, ok?