Need help making bloks download files only one time

Sorry but I am not going to do that until you will try something yourself.
Read that post a few times and I am sure you can do it.

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ok. let’s try and awaiting other replies

This has already been answered in the forum.
Use the search option before creating a new topic. (Here: One Time Download )

This is the solution:


That’s for downloading a file only once. If what you need is to see if the files are on the mobile, you need to check if those files exist on the Sd with the file component, with an IF…


great thing, i’m newbe here but i’ll try to find the solution for it :slight_smile:

i don’t find the “Global DownloadOne time” block in the blocks area !!
can you give me the project: .aia
or tike a screenshot for the place of the block


thank you Boban for your help… now i’ll try all this

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This does not work. You will only get the last pdf file downloaded (6document.pdf).

Possible solution:

  • zip the pdf files first,
  • download this zip file and
  • unzip it using the File component

or use several Download components, each for every pdf file.

you’re rigtht
only 6document.pdf downloaded!

as you sayed:
(use several Download components, each for every pdf file.)
this is what i’m trying to do:

and then named every pdf documents with specific name and make the downloaded file open by call it with buttons…

“the download action need it to be only one time”

this what i’m traying to do.

kodular admins please please add pdf extention to the tool we need it so much not only me but a lot of users here try to use external extentions for using pdf files… why you didn’t added even much users ask for it!

try something like this:

( contains 3 pdf files: test1-3.pdf)

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Thank you so much: bodymindpower ,can you reduce to me the time of copying all this and give me (if you can) the .AIA !

… unfortunately that doesn’t reduce my time :wink:
but ok, this time
project2.aia (153.9 KB)

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i ask you only to give me what do you do is the screenshot…
and you made it for from from scratch, you’re so helpfull
thank you so much

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Hi @bodymindpower
In above project there is an extension which should not be shared openly as ‘its’ developers shares using his own app so please remove project in order to protect it from piracy.

I only modified the posted (and already existing) “project.aia” and added no further extension.

Then @awidsin you have to remove aia from your post.
If someone wants to modify aia then share him/her using PM

What I know of is that only thing we forbid is if it is a paid extension and direct upload of an extension

It is his choice of doing that and if we are going to keep track of this too then it is better to ban all his extensions


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