Need Help Send/Share a List with Activity Starter

Hello Again,

I’m trying to create an order app and then send this order via email.

When the send button is pressed, it saves the article description in a local list and the quantity if this is >= 1.

The problem I have is that he only sends the first article into the mail and not all of them. In the label at the top you can see that he has saved several articles.

Will the list be created incorrectly or am I getting it incorrectly?

Thanks in advance.

ToMail should be the list of emails you want to send your message to

The MailTo should be everytime the same Mailadress, did i need a list for this that it will work?
I tried this way but the result is the same.

  • I set the Amount of 3 Articles more then 1
  • Activity Starter only Import the first article and forget the other 2.

Order_Screen1.ais (25,4 KB)

Works fine for me

I used Gmail, maybe this is the problem.

What Mail App did u use?

Gmail, I tested with companion, Xiaomi MI A1, android 9

Ok me ist also Gmail, Samsung Note 20 and Android 11.

U have any Idea how i can solve this for all Android Versions 8+?

Tested on Android 11 and it doesn’t work as you said

Is it possible to convert the List to 1 Text?

Try this

Import0E906F.ais (123.4 KB)

Works also on android 11 for me


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Nice Ty, it worked :slight_smile:

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