This extension send a notification in a future time, even if the app is closed and , with a little programming, even if the device was rebooted.
Four types of delay are available, with some properties to adapt them to your current needs.
The notification itself has been kept quite basic, at present, with a title, a message and a standard icon.
A start value can be set and then handled to the app if restarted.
At device reboot, a notification can be launched as a reminder for the user.
The restart of alarms, to be fired after the system reboot,
is easily done if you save them, e.g. in a file or DB, with the data retrieved with the event block and reuse them, when needed, with RestartAlarm block.
Please, be adviced that all alarms are set with setInexactRepeating method. Check the android documentation to understand the reason for this choice and practical consequences (they are not suitable, for example, to program a precise alarm clock).
CancelAnEvent Cancel an event
(idNumber) event identification number
NotifyAtRestart send a notification after device reboot with a fixed text as a reminder,
(notify) true/false
ExecuteOnce Send a notification once, at a certain date
(various params) time and message parameters
(idNumber) event identification number
ExecuteAfterDelay Set a delay in minutes and can repeat the notification
(various params) time and message parameters
(repeat) true/false
(minutesToNextAlarm) time of delay
ExecuteInFixedDay Send a notification once a week, at fixed hour/minutes and repeat it after a week
(various params) time and message parameters
(repeat) true/false
(dayOfWeek) the day of notification: 0 today, 1 Sunday…7 saturday (default is today)
ExecuteFromStartTime Send a notification at a certain hour/minute and can repeat
(various params) time and message parameters
(repeat) true/false
(minutesToNextAlarm) time of delay
RestartAlarm Set again an alarm previously saved, e.g. after a reboot, with the same characteristic of original alarm (this restart is not possible for ExecuteAfterDelay)
(resetAlarm) a list with an alarm data retrieved with AlarmSet
AlarmSet return a list with data of an alarm just set, which could be reused later
(setAlarm) a list with last set alarm data
MinimumDelay Set the minimum delay between notifications
NotificationPriority Set the priority of notification from 1 to 5 (1 top…5 minimum)
NotificationVisibility Set the visibility of notification from 1 to 3 (1 min…3 maximum)
ShowToast Show an alert when an alarm is set
Sound Set sound on/off for notification
PersistentAlarm Set alarm to wake-up the device and send notification even if the app is closed
com.tiziano1960.seeyoulater.aix (22,9 KB)
scheduler20.apk (2,2 MB)