Notification Badge Extension [Free]

I think the extension is not working properly
Can anyone give all gravity values
Android guide is confusing

What is the gravity value for top right

may be this:

@Preet_Vadaliya Thank you for your great extension, I am using it now in my app.

If you can add a block to set the count to Null it will be helpfull.

when I use a global variable to set the badge count using your set method, nothing happens it won’t update.

if you can seperate the component and gravity from badgeCount it will be helpfull.

Thanks again :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Will it support text instead of count?

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7 posts were split to a new topic: DX execution failed

Olá, preciso de ajuda! Eu posso utilizar esse extensão com meu banco de dados mysql? Não estou conseguindo utilizar


Take the number of records returned from Select and use it to create your badge.

An simple example :


it will nice if we can increase the font size

When adding the extension and placing it on a button, it becomes deformed, reducing the width, why?