Opening Specific Link from Screen1 in Another Screen's Webview

Hello everyone!

I would like to ask a question regarding the Webview.
I am just wondering if I can do this:

  • When I click Button A on Screen 1, it will open the website in Screen 2’s Webview
  • When I click Button B on Screen 1, it will open the website in Screen 2’s Webview
    … and so on

Is it possible for me to make my app able to do such action?
Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you in advance.

Sorry, I meant Web Viewer.
Thank you.

You can pass the links to start value while opening the screen then you can open the url(from start value) in screen2

Hello, Kumar!
Thank you for your reply.

May I verify, please: Is this what you meant? :

Try This :point_down:

Screen1 Block

Screen2 Block