Package name for app inventor file

Hi. I want to give the package name of an appinventor file in Kodular. Have a look of my app inventor package name

I tried with


Both failed and my app is crashing…

It should be like this:
io.kodular.<your email without part after @>.App Name

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why you want to change it in kodular?

This is correct: appinventor.ai_indianplans.PlayStory
The crash has other reasons. So show your relevant blocks.

You can also leave this field empty and the app will crash, try it …


ok I will show them

Please try this within two hours.

You can see the package name also

That does not help, we have to see your blocks

Showing sir,

As I can see, you use sounds in your app. If you are using more than 1 Slider in a screen, your app will crash, see here:




Brother I am checking the app myself. Just give me some time. I will post the blocks

Yes you/he has multiple sliders


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Dear Sir
My app is fully functional when i last uploaded to my developer account. It was originally made in app inventor, then migrated to thunkable, then app appy builder and now migrated freshly to Kodular.

I have removed some components which kodular wont support. Now when I am trying to compile app, it is passing through screen 1, then in screen 2 when i click the PS BUTTON, the app is closing.

It is a firebase connected app.

You can see this app functionality by installing the app app by clicking the following link if you guys have time

The code which i imported was a fully functional code from appy builder.

I used the sliders for setting the voice pitch and speed, it is not intended for playing any file.

And you can try this to crash the app

As @bodymindpower pointed out there is a bug if you have more then one slider on screen and you have two

That’s why it crashes and for the moment we have not found a solution for it



Sure sir, i will check and let you know

You don’t have to check as I know you have two



Ok, Any idea to keep only one slider and adjust pich and speed?