[PAID] Firebase Messaging - An Extension for Receiving Push Notifications with FCM (Discontinued)

Have you tried directly from Firebase Cloud Message? The easiest way:
1- Subscribe to the topic with the Subscribe block.

2- Launch the app to launch the topic.

3- Send a push from FCM with the title of the subscription.

Note: all FCM credentials must be correct on startup

SHOW WORKED! Put this key and the package name of the app that will open when you click on the FCM notification

Now I stopped at this problem. How to pass value along with notification . I’ve tried several ways and I get only Start Value = FCM by Sumit Kumar

Subscribe block is not working in your main project. You should try the same thing in a test project and see if works.

You could find it here :

And for passing the start value online :

Sorry for late reply, I have exams currently.

Perfect. (start_value) was the key I needed to send data.
Thank you very much

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How to send a notification to particular or specific one person. Which blocks should I use… what are things we need???

Hello friend, I use these blocks with firebase Authenticator. When the user logs in, I subscript the name (with an underline instead of a space). Then just send a message to that user using the saved login.

Then to send a message use this block with the login name (with an underline instead of a space)

Instead of subscribing the user to a topic save the token in the firebase to send notification because in a single project 2000 topics can be created in FCM not more than that, so if no of users exceed 2000 then it will create a problem for you

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Thanks for the tip, I didn’t know about that limit. So the most correct thing will be to save the FCM user’s token in the Realtime Database, and send the notification directly to the user’s token.

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And one more thing regularly update the token because it changes when application get reinstalled

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yes, i usually update all firebase data whenever the user opening the app. Example: as the last date/time entered and thus recommended to save the FCM token

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hi guys, when my friend receives the push message and clicks on it, this error message appears.
Can you tell me where and how to intervene on the blocks?
Thank you

What happens after the 2000 topic subscriptions. Are they written on top of the old ones or is there a charge? Where did you find this documentation?

Did you fill in the keys?. You need to put the name of the App package you want to open.

I put this in the blocks.
What should he add?

Rssss, These keys are to be filled in, you can’t send them that way.

can you help me understand what I have to fill in and what data I have to enter?

I don’t know what values I need to add, can you advise me?

do I have to insert all the keys as you wrote them or do I have to change them?

You need to change the keys to your preferences