[PAID] Firebase Messaging - An Extension for Receiving Push Notifications with FCM (Discontinued)

@iamwsumit when will i get my extension, its almost 5 hour, as you said it took only one hour

Do you have any issue with your English? I never said one hour.

I got this error

Drag 2nd extension named (FCM Helper) into the screen.

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I have already did that

Where to put icon url, like this

In this

Hi, im from Argentina, i was looking for a push notification on my app, im creating a university project and i couldnt make it work. Im using Kodular for my app, and trying to figure it out how to do it, your solution look pretty good, i would like to check it out but i don’t have the money to buy it, im a student and i cant have dolars

There is an inbuilt Push Notification component that send push notification to device with Onesignal.

Yes, but i can’t send push notification to other users subscribed to an MQTT server, or do i?

I was trying to upload my app to the google play store but i got this message:
Leaked GCP FCM Server Keys

Your app(s) expose FCM server keys.

did you put the last update of fcm help posted on telegram? My app was also giving this only on the first launch, after the update it didn’t happen anymore. Maybe it is that.

Thanks. I’m going to do that.

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I would love if the extension developer could develop the method of knowing the audience of the post. At the moment I use firebase to know how many people click on the message, but some are forwarded directly to some linck and others to enter the application so I don’t know about all the clicks. It would be great if you developed this method.

hello i want to buy your extension , i have some question

1- Does it work with AI Inventor2 ?
2- Does it handle in-app notification ? during foreground
3- Does push notification work if the app has been killed or rebot?


In app notifications means in app messaging? If yes then no.

Yes. No matter the app is closed or running, notifications will arrive.

These questions seems already answered. You may read the above posts for more clarification.

Hello Anita.

I just sent $$ via PayPal.

It should come from private info removed by Mod

I do have a Firebase and a OneSignal Account.

Thank you,


hi, can i use this extension on Mit App Inventor?

hi, how to buy your extension?
is your extension can apply in appybuilder??

Hi, I already sent $$ via PayPal. thank you

Is it working perfectly? If yes then i want to purchase.