[FREE] InApp Billing - Google InApp Purchase [V7.0.0]

I haven’t checked so I am not sure, but as far as I know many peoples are using this extension with free/paid admob extensions. But not sure, wait for someone to answer…

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This is my main concern too. Can you please give it a try?

Tutorials are already available, you might watch.

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A single extension can be used in numerous ways so what everyone wants for them particularly can’t be demonstrated by extension developer.
Instead the developer can provide some standard examples and users will have to adapt them according to their need.

Although what you are looking for is PurchaseSuccessful event.


Hello. Does this extension still work to be used in Kodular? How long could it last if I purchased it today, until a new update is required? Does the purchase include future updates? Thank you

Yes it works. It will be all yours once purchased,(permanent), future updates will be free.

Hello, I am using the InAppBiling extension.my blocks are as I show in the picture, but I get the error in the 2nd picture.the extension is active in google play “closed test” suanda.I did not find any error, what is the problem?
After creating the product, I updated the app in the Play Store.

Hello, I am using the InAppBiling extension.my blocks are as I show in the picture, but I get the error in the 2nd picture.the extension is active in google play “closed test” suanda.I did not find any error, what is the problem?

After creating the product, I updated the app in the Play Store.

Which in app billing extension?
Please provide a link to its thread

Here the extension is not the reason, actual reason is:

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I set the product ID as very simple “gpt”.I changed the product key 2 times.each time I changed it I updated the app in google play.:sweat:

Can anyone who already has the extension verify whether it works with Osemiya Admob ads? Plz

Link - [Free] Admob Extension - Add different types of AdMob ads in your application

Hi, what are the play console settings to make the extension communicate with the products in the app in play console?

Is it necessary to have internal or closed tests?

Does the inserted bundle need to be reviewed?

In short, what are the conditions to ensure that the extensions communicate correctly with the Play Console?

I hope I wasn’t too generic, but I can’t get the product IDs recovered from play console. Furthermore, the apk generates an error when opening the app (which does not happen with companion)

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To test with real products you’ve to upload your app into console, at least into internal testing.

I think no.

When you’ve uploaded the app into console the extension will communicate using your product id.

Show your relevant blocks to provide you a solution :white_check_mark:

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[FREE] InApp Billing v1.6

The extension is now updated to billing library v7.0.0.
The extension is now free.


AIX Size : 274KB
Demo AIA along with extension will be downloaded in zip file.

Thank You


That’s amazing.
Great job :clap::clap:

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@iamwsumit Good job

This extension works fine. I had troubles before with other Billing extension, some kind of conflicts with Firebase or Admob extension, but not this one. Thanks so much @iamwsumit, some donation will be done! :ok_hand:

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This exxtension already working.

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