[Deprecated] Admob Extension - Add different types of AdMob ads in your application

Admob Extension

These extensions will help you to integrate AdMob ads and ads from partner networks as mediation in your Kodular Premium Extension. It uses deprecated sdk version 21.2.0.

Get Started:

You should first integrate the necessary libraries required to display ads in your application. I’ve added all the SDK libraries required in this AdmobSdks Extension and ExtraSdks Extension. So, to integrate any of the ad-type, even mediation, you should first download these extensions, add these two extensions to your application & should use the InitializeSdk method on Screen1.Initialize .

This will increase your app size by about 9MB. However, if you are only distributing your apps through Google Play Store then instead of AdmobSdks extension and ExtraSdks extension, you can use AdmobSdkLite extension which will increase your app size by only 1.5MB.

Download Deprecated Version Of AdmobSdks Extension From Github

Download Deprecated Version Of ExtraSdks Extension From Github


Download Deprecated Version Of AdmobSdkLite Extension From Github

Note: If you are using AdmobSdks Extension then you must drag and drop the ExtraSdks extension to the screen.

Note: If you have already used these extensions on Screen1 then you don’t need it to add on other screens as well. You are good to go without using this extension on another screen then.

Following methods are available in the extension.

1. Initialize SDK



You must call InitializeSdk method to initialize the required SDKs. On Successful, It will trigger the SdkInitialized event.

Note: I suggest you call this method on Screen1.initalize. Also, if you initialize this extension on Screen1 then it is no longer a need to initialize on other screens.

2. Targeting

As an app developer, you can indicate whether you want Google to treat your content as child-directed, mark your ad requests to receive treatment for users in the European Economic Area (EEA) under the age of consent and tools like maximum ad content rating can help you have more control over the content of the ads shown to your users. You can set a maximum content rating to help compliance with platform policies.


TagForChildDirectedTreatment accepts integer values, and the value can either be 0,1 or -1. For true it should be 1, for false it should be 0 & for unspecified, it should be -1.

component_set_get (1)

TagForUnderAgeOfConsent accepts integer values, and the value can either be 0,1 or -1. For true, it should be 1, for false it should be 0 & for unspecified it should be -1.

component_set_get (2)

You can add max-content rating using this MaxAdContentRating method. The values can be G,MA,PG or T. G represents that content are suitable for general audiences, including families. MA represents that content are suitable for only matured audiences. PG represents that content are are suitable for most audiences with parental guidance & T represents content are suitable for teen and older audiences.

You can find more about targeting from here.

3. Obtaining Consent

Under the Google EU User Consent Policy, you must make certain disclosures to your users in the European Economic Area (EEA) along with the UK and obtain their consent to use cookies or other local storage, where legally required, and to use personal data (such as AdID) to serve ads. This policy reflects the requirements of the EU ePrivacy Directive and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The configuration should be handled in Admob Privacy & Messaging.

component_method (1)

component_event (1)

component_event (2)

It is recommended that you request an update of the consent information at every app launch. This will determine whether or not your user needs to provide consent.

If success, it will trigger ConsentInfoUpdateSuccess event with a boolean parameter isConsentFormAvailable.

If failed, it will trigger ConsentInfoUpdateFailure method with an error message. You may call RequestConsentInformation method again here.

component_method (2)

component_event (3)

component_event (4)

Now, if consent form is available, you may load form using LoadForm method. If form is successfully loaded, then it will trigger ConsentFormLoadSuccess event with an integer status.

If status is 0 then it is unknown.
If status is 1 then it is not required to show consent.
If status is 2 then it is required to show consent.
If status is 3 then consent is already obtained.

You may show the consent if status is 0 or 2.

If consent form is failed to load, then it will trigger ConsentFormLoadFailure with an error message.

component_method (3)

component_event (5)

To present the form, use the ShowForm method. If the form is dismissed, then ConsentFormDisimissed event is triggered.

component_method (4)

In testing your app, you may find ResetConsentState method helpful to reset the state of the SDK so that you can simulate a user’s first install experience.

component_set_get (3)

It should only be used while testing. DebugGeography provides a way to test your app’s behavior as though the device was located in the EEA. It can be set as “EEA”, “NOT EEA”, “DISABLED”.

Note: DebugGeography is for testing purpose only. Make sure you have DebugGeography to DISABLED before publishing on any supported stores.

4. AdInspector

component_method (5)

component_event (6)

Ad inspector is an in-app overlay that enables authorized devices to perform real-time analysis of test ad requests directly within a mobile app. To launch AdInspector, you should call OpenAdInspector method. On close, it will trigger AdInspectorClosed event with error parameter.

Note: You should only use AdInspector on testing.

Adding App Id In Manifest

We must add app id in AndroidManifest.xml of your application. To do so, Go to Project Setting >> Monetization >> Google Ads App Id

Note: App Id & AdUnit Id are different. You should not use Ad unit id here. See FAQs section of this documentation on how to create an AdMob app id & how to find it if you have already created an App Id.

Ad Formats:

AdMob Banner Ads

Banner ads occupy a spot within an app’s layout, either at the top or bottom of the device screen. They stay on screen while users are interacting with the app and can refresh automatically after a certain period of time.

Download Deprecated Version Of Admob Banner Extension From Github

component_set_get (6)

This method helps you to set your banner ad unit id. Remember to check TestMode to false if you are not developing the application for testing.


This method helps you to load and show test ads in your application. You should always use TestMode if you are just testing the application and app is not yet for the production.

component_set_get (4)

The default behavior of the Google Mobile Ads SDK is to serve personalized ads. If a user has consented to receive only non-personalized ads, you can use IsNonPersonalizedAds method to true.

component_set_get (5)

To help publishers toward compliance with the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), the Google Mobile Ads SDK allows publishers to use this method to indicate whether Google should enable restricted data processing.


LoadBanner method will help you to load banner ad with different size like Banner, LargeBanner, MediumRectangle, FullSize, Custom Size and different other Anchored and Inline Sizes. After you loaded, you can show your ad in the arrangement using ShowBanner method. If banner is successfully loaded then it will trigger AdLoaded event . If it is failed to load banner ad then it will trigger AdFailedToLoad event with an error message.


ShowAd method will help you to show your loaded banner ad in particular arrangement. Also, if ad opens an overlay, It will trigger AdOpened event, if user clicks on ad then it will trigger AdClicked event, if ad is closed then it will trigger AdClosed event & more.

AdMob Interstitial Ads

Interstitial ads are full-screen ads that cover the interface of their host app. They’re typically displayed at natural transition points in the flow of an app, such as between activities or during the pause between levels in a game. When an app shows an interstitial ad, the user has the choice to either tap on the ad and continue to its destination or close it and return to the app.

Download Deprecated Version Of AdMob Interstitial Extension From Github

The blocks are identical to banner ad and self-explanatory. First of all you should load ad and on ad loaded, you should show ad. If you have any confusion, reply to the post is much appreciated.




AdMob Rewarded Ad

Rewarded ads provide an opportunity for users to watch a video or engage with a playable ad in exchange for a reward within the app.

Download Deprecated Version Of AdMob Rewarded Extension From Github




Admob AppOpen Ad

App open ads are a special ad format intended for publishers wishing to monetize their app load screens. App open ads can be closed at any time, and are designed to be shown when your users bring your app to the foreground.

Download Deprecated Version Of AdMob AppOpen Extension From Github




AdMob Rewarded Interstitial Ad

Rewarded interstitial is a type of incentivized ad format that allows you offer rewards for ads that appear automatically during natural app transitions. Unlike rewarded ads, users aren’t required to opt-in to view a rewarded interstitial.

Download Deprecated Version Of AdMob Rewarded-Interstitial Extension From Github





AdMob Mediation is a feature that lets you serve ads to your apps from multiple sources, including the AdMob Network, third-party ad networks, and AdMob campaigns. AdMob Mediation helps maximize your fill rate and increase your monetization by sending ad requests to multiple networks to ensure you find the best available network to serve ads.

To show ads from mediation, you must follow the steps from GetStarted which is to initialize SDK and put AdMob app id on manifest.xml. Then download the extension whose mediation you are using and drag and drop to the extension to screen.

The mediation extensions below don’t contain any methods. So, for example, if you wanted to show a banner ad, then you should download the AdMobBanner extension from AdFormats and then add banner ad unit id and use methods from there.


Supported Ad Formats:

* Banner
* Interstitial
* Rewarded 
* Native 

To integrate AdColony ads with mediation, you should follow these steps :

Step 1 : Setup Ad Colony

Step 2: Create & Configure Mediation Group

  • Go to mediation and create a new mediation group.


  • Enter your ad format and platform, then click Continue.

  • Give your mediation group a name, and select locations to target. Next, set the mediation group status to Enabled. Then click Add Ad Units, which will open up the ad unit selection overlay.

  • Associate this mediation group with your existing AdMob ad unit. Then click Done.

  • Now under bidding card, tap on Add ad source then select AdColony then paste the zone id we have copied earlier.

  • Then, under waterfall card, tap on Add ad source then select AdColony and then add app id , zone id and API key.

  • Click Save.

Step 3: Drag & Drop Adcolony Mediation Extension

I've added all the required libraries for showing AdColony ads in this extension. You just need to download, drag and drop the extension to the screen. This extension doesn't contain any methods.

Download Deprecated Version Of AdColonyMediation extension from Github

Facebook Audience Network

To integrate Facebook Audience Network, You should follow these steps.
This documentation is copied and modified from official AdMob documentation

Step 1 : Set up Facebook Audience Network

  • Sign up and Log in to the Business Manager Start page.

  • Click Create a new Business Manager account and fill out the required fields with your business details.

  • Once you’ve filled out the required information, you’ll be prompted to create a property for your app. Enter the desired name of the property for your app and click. Then Go to Monetization Manager .

  • Next, select Android as the platform to monetize.


  • Indicate whether or not your app is live and click Submit . Then, You will be prompted to create an ad placement for your application. Select a format, fill out the form and click Next .

  • Now, Note your System user access token and placement id

  • Note the property id of your product
    If you look at the link on monetization manager then it looks like that


Note property id after &property_id= to &ref= . For this link above, 631234567890471 is my property id. Note the property id.

Step 2 : Create a new Mediation Group

  • First, You should create an application on AdMob and create all placements you have made on Monetization Manager. Please check FAQs at end of documentation if you don’t know how to create application id and ad unit id.

  • Now tap on Mediation >> Mediation Groups and click on Create Mediation Group

  • Enter the ad format, for example if you have created 2 placements, one banner and one interstitial in Montization manager, we will create for banner first then interstitial.

  • Give your mediation group a name, and select locations to target. Next, set the mediation group status to Enabled. Then click Add Ad Units, which will open up the ad unit selection overlay.

  • Choose that App and AdUnit that we will use to integrate facebook ads on.

  • Then on Biddings, Click on Add ad source, Select facebook audience network and add placement id that we created on Step1. Then click Done.

  • Then on Waterfall, Click on Add ad source, Select Facebook Audience Network, then add manual cpm for example 1$ , Continue and add placement id, system access token and property id that we have noted on Step 1.

Step 3 : Drag and Drop FacebookBidding Extension

  • You should download the FacebookBidding extension, and just drag and drop that extension to Screen. This extension doesn’t contain any methods. You should first follow the steps from Get Started. And For example, to show Facebook banner ads, Download the BannerAd extension from AdFormats above.

    Download Deprecated Version Of FacebookBidding Extension From Github

Step 4: Upload a dex file


How to create an AdMob Account ?
  • Go to AdMob Home, Click on Get Started or SignUp. If you have already created an AdMob account earlier, do not create a new account instead log in with that account.

  • If you access this link in a browser where you have already login with a Google account you will receive this screen. Where they ask you to verify your account click Next .

  • Place the password and click the Next button.

  • Now place the required information, on Country, Time zone & Billing Currency.

  • Click the Create AdMob Account button after adding all information.

  • Check the email notifications for your account. And continue to next screen.

  • Now your AdMob Account is created. You should create an app & then ad unit id for the ads to show.

How to create an application Id & Ad Unit Id ?
  • Click on Apps on SideBar and then click on Add Your First App .

  • Set Platform to Android and check if your app is listed on supported app store or not.

  • If your app is already published to listed stores then search for your app, submit and continue.
    If you have checked no then add an app name then click on AddApp & click on Done.

  • Now, Click on Add Ad Unit.

  • Now, Select an ad format, in this case, I am selecting Banner,

  • Add an ad unit name, and click on Create ad unit.

  • Now, your ad unit is created successfully. You will find appId & ad unit id. Copy these id somewhere in notepad and save this. You can use the app id while creating your extension for manifest requirement for the application. And you can use ad unit id in the respective format extension.

Where do I find my app id and AdMob ad unit id ?

I’ve found most user are confused on AdMob app id & ad unit id. AppId and ad unit id are different. You should use your app id when you are building your own extension from Niotron IDE & you should use ad unit id in your respective ad extensions for banner, interstitial and all.

Copied from Google AdMob Support, Find more.

Find an app ID

  1. Sign in to your AdMob account at https://apps.admob.com.
  2. Click Apps in the sidebar.
  3. Click View all apps.
  4. Click the Copy icon in the App ID column to copy the ID of an app

Find an ad unit ID

  1. Sign in to your AdMob account at https://apps.admob.com.
  2. Click Apps in the sidebar.
  3. Click the name of the app associated with the ad unit. Note: If you don’t see it in the list of recent apps, click View all apps. Then, click the name of the app.
  4. Click Ad units in the sidebar.
  5. Click the Copy icon in the Ad unit ID column to copy the ID of an ad unit.
How to enable test ads ?

It’s important to enable test ads during development so that you can click on them without charging Google advertisers. If you click on too many ads without being in test mode, you risk your account being flagged for invalid activity.

In every format extension ie, AdmobBanner, AdmobInterstitial, AdmobRewarded etc you will find TestMode checkbox on their properties. You should check the checkbox in order to enable test ads.


  • Click on settings on AdMob and click on Test Devices

  • Add device name, platform and advertising id and save the device. To find an advertising id, Go on your Android Setting, Find & Click on Google, then Click on Ads. Find More.

Extension is not working on Companion, Why?

This extension will not work on companion as companion application doesn’t have required manifest for the extension to work. You should always build the application to check if it is working or not. So, I will suggest you to complete your application and use this extension after.

Ads are only showing on test mode, When I put my own ad unit id, It doesn't show ads, Why?

Many users have complained that this extension is not able to show their ads with their ad unit id. First of all, you should be sure if you haven’t violated any of the AdMob policies and your AdMob is allowed to serve the ads. You should be sure that you have followed all the steps from documentation properly. Some users use ad-unit as app-unit or vice-versa. Make sure your are not that user and have used appId(which contains ~) while creating extension in Niotron IDE as suggested & adUnitId(which contains /) properly in Admob Banner, Interstitial or Rewarded ad extension.

Secondly, If your ad is failed to load then get the failure message from AdFailedToLoad method. If the failure message is no-ad-config then you can check a FAQ on this documented after this FAQ. You can reply this post if you got any trouble.

Ad loading failed with an error `No Ad Config`

Most user get this message after they completed all the steps on documentation,

  "Code": 3,
  "Message": "No ad config.",
  "Domain": "com.google.android.gms.ads",
  "Cause": "null",
  "Response Info": {
    "Response ID": "null",
    "Mediation Adapter Class Name": "",
    "Adapter Responses": []

You don’t need to worry about this. If the app is not published on Play Store then first make sure you have followed steps properly then you can publish your app and wait few days.

Also, Kindly ensure that the following conditions are fulfilled in order to maximize the chances of receiving ads from the AdMob SDK:
Copied from Google Groups, See

You may also refer to common reason for ads not showing for additional scenarios, as well as the fixes for those. Also, you may also reach out to the AdMob Help Center for further assistance on such ad-serving concerns.

These Extensions are open-sourced at Github at here :

If you loved my works then you can support me by donating to me :


Absolutely amazing! This is very detailed too, thank you :+1:


Nice @oseamiya :heart:

There is a problem after I updated the AdmobSdks Extension. My app keeps crashing when I try to open it. I even made a demo app to try it out. Also after update its contains virus - Trojan:Script/Wacatac.B!ml

adtest(2).apk (6.8 MB)

adtest.aia (5.3 MB)

I have a few more questions to ask related to your latest update, @oseamiya

  1. Why do we need to update the admobsdk extension? Are there any major changes you have made?

  2. What’s the difference between the main version and the lite version? Also, did it affect the functionality of ads in our app ?

  3. Is this necessary to “Obtaining Consent” in every app ?

  4. As you mentioned in your previous version, we don’t need to declare AD ID our self in the manifest, we can just add it in the project settings of our app. So now you haven’t mentioned any such easy method. Do we still need to use the NiotronIDE method to declare AD ID in our app after we update this extension?

Thank you for providing us such a great extension for free.

1 Like

It is already mentioned in the documentation that you must add ExtraSdks extension aswell if you are using AdmobSdks extension.

The reason behind importing two extensions is because extension has a size limit and I couldn’t fit all the dependencies in a single extension.

Actually, extension use latest sdk version 21.2.0 and now, you have option for non-personalized ads, adding disclosures,etc.

Difference :

Help with the EU user consent policy – Company – Google

Oh Sorry, I forget to mention this. You may skip this step if you add AD ID in project setting.

Thank you for pointing out my error; it is now working properly without crashing.

That’s great, so you launch a new version just to add the consent block and update to the latest sdk. Thanks. So I can use the lite SDK extension without any issue, right?

So that means we really need to update your extension because there are no consent blocks, otherwise Google can take action against us.

Also, if possible, could you send the aia file of this specific consent block with instructions on how to initiate it, what to write, and so on? because it’s really new and also because we don’t want any mistakes regarding compiling the policies. So please, it’s a request. Kindly post the aia @oseamiya

Thank you so much for all your efforts. They are very much appreciated.

1 Like

The Lite SDK should only be used in apps distributed through the Google Play store. And apps developed using main sdk can be distributed via the Amazon Appstore, OPPO App Market, Samsung Galaxy Store , VIVO App Store , and Xiaomi GetApps.

If you can wait few days, then I would be sharing some guides in FAQs section of documentation.

I am unable to publish the guide sooner due to time constraints.

You can look at instruction of Obtaining Consent with the User Messaging Platform | UMP SDK for Android | Google Developers

And documentation of consent above at #1

1 Like

Ohh, thanks for making this crystal clear.

Sure i will wait, but please its a request post the aia file too specially of that consent blocks.

Thanks you

I found blocks to show the form, but how do I know if the user has given consent. Which block is responsible for this? Thanks for the awesome extension!

Hi @oseamiya, thanks for your extension.
I used it in my app but since I add it with banner and interstitial extensions too, I can’t compile the apk nor the aab files.
This is the error log:

Kodular is unable to compile this project.
The compiler error output was
________Preparing application icon
________Creating animation xml
________Creating fragment xml
________Creating listview xml in res/layout/…
________Creating listview xml in res/layout-v21/…
________Creating xml in res/drawable/…
________Creating splash png in res/drawable/…
________Creating colors xml
________Creating styles xml
________Creating drawables xml v21
________Checking for firebase
________________Firebase components found.
________________Firebase config file successfully added.
________Creating provider_path xml
________Creating network_security_config xml
________Generating adaptive icon file
________Generating round adaptive icon file
________Generating adaptive icon background file
________Generating manifest file
________Attaching native libraries
________Attaching Android Archive (AAR) libraries
________Attaching component assets
________Invoking AAPT
AAPT time: 1.854 seconds
________Compiling source files
(compiling io/kodular/jcmarquitecto/Yd46_AdMob/FreePractice.yail to io.kodular.jcmarquitecto.Yd46_AdMob.FreePractice)
(compiling io/kodular/jcmarquitecto/Yd46_AdMob/Menu.yail to io.kodular.jcmarquitecto.Yd46_AdMob.Menu)
(compiling io/kodular/jcmarquitecto/Yd46_AdMob/DescargarSesiones.yail to io.kodular.jcmarquitecto.Yd46_AdMob.DescargarSesiones)
(compiling io/kodular/jcmarquitecto/Yd46_AdMob/PantRepro.yail to io.kodular.jcmarquitecto.Yd46_AdMob.PantRepro)
(compiling io/kodular/jcmarquitecto/Yd46_AdMob/Screen1.yail to io.kodular.jcmarquitecto.Yd46_AdMob.Screen1)
(compiling io/kodular/jcmarquitecto/Yd46_AdMob/DescargaInicial.yail to io.kodular.jcmarquitecto.Yd46_AdMob.DescargaInicial)
(compiling /tmp/runtime3961320816717873860.scm to com.google.youngandroid.runtime)
Kawa compile time: 29.6 seconds
________Invoking DX
DX time: 79.232 seconds
________Invoking ApkBuilder
com.android.sdklib.build.ApkCreationException: Failed to add /tmp/1666462435735_0.28648244612678164-0/youngandroidproject/…/build/tmp/classes3.dex
YAIL compiler - ApkBuilder failed.

And this is the list of the extensions of the app:

I tried a few times, closing the navigator and restarting the computer, but nothing worked.
What can be the problem?
Thanks in advance.
If InAppBilling extension (made by @oseamiya) is deleted, the project can be compiled, so like we say in Spain, the ball is in your roof @oseamiya !

I tried with @UnknownBeast AdMob extension and can’t compile either, so I think the problem should be @oseamiya’s InAppBilling.

Please guide 3.Obtaining Consent in the FAGs section…

This has to be with the compiling problem?


How did you set the blocks and the app is not crashing because from my end the app is crashing, kindly could you share the blocks?

@snake_1s did you solve the problem and are you able to show ads in your app?

Kindly help me to solve this because my apk is crashing

Are you using any billing extension?

Ooh! Yes I do

I think there is a conflict betwen both extensions. I tried with both of Oseamiya and another two paid extensions, one for Billing (@Xoma ) and one for AdMob (@UnknownBeast ) and tried all posssible combinations and allways crashes.

I have realised too that there is some kind of problem with Google sign in button and AdMob extensions.

I posted here, some post above, but no answer yet.

@UnknownBeast is trying to fix the problem.

I am was using Taifun Billing aix and he hasn’t updated it yet

Well but I have to remove any Billing aix since all of them have conflict with Oseamiya aix, but how do you use @oseamiya AdMobSDKLite and run the ads, with following all google policies? cloud you show the blocks for AdMobsdkLite?