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Okay but as per my experience now dynamic components is not good because it takes a lot of time of you have a data above 50+
It it waste now to use dynamic components while load much data .
And in wallpaper app there’s much data to load .
If you don’t load images from online sources, then creating a lot of components will take less time. And if you want to display images in components just use Async Image Utilities so it won’t block the rest of the app.
As i said before the dynamic components have a issue i opened this app many times and it takes 15-20 sec in first time and then in next time it takes much time to load and sometimes not load even my data is 100kb/s + .
2. The app might not responding 1 time please fix these issues then sell Not a hate comment just a feedback .
What’s good in app
But you have do much great things like animation while scrolling and app UI is much great than many wallpaper app who has million of Downloads .
As i said before don’t take it hate review i just gave feedback so you can improve the app
if i use this logic then it take few sec but their is have an problem with sizing. if you look my aia store app or Loop e-commerce app then in e-commerce app product take few seconds to load.
and now about the login because you should know that how much users are in your app that’s why