[PAID] Receipt Builder for ESC/POS Thermal printing


Simple extension that is able to generate a receipt format, preview it in a Webviewer, convert it into a base64 image so it can be printed in ESC/POS thermal printers.

As some users who have worked with thermal printers will know, working with them can be a headache, considering that each thermal printer is different and has limitations in terms of characters, fonts, styles and designing a receipt can be a complicated task. Definitely the best way to send to print with this kind of printers is using raw bytes with commands that the printer can interpret, as it is done with my extension:

But at the request of some users I have created this tool that will help them to perform the printing of a better designed format and with greater ease, but it is very important to keep in mind some considerations. (READ THE INSTRUCTIONS AT THE END)

Pictures and description of all the blocks


Receipt builder Methods:


SetPaperWidthBlock (1)

Defines the paper width in mm

Parameter Type
size number



Creates a space with a specific height in pixels.

Parameter Type
size text

Return Type: text



Creates a text with a specific alignment. Possible values for alignment: left, center, right.

Parameter Type
text text
alignment text

Return Type: text



Creates an image with a specific alignment. Image is a String containing a base64 image or an URL. Width and height are numbers to define the width and height in pixels. Alignment can be left, center, or right.

Parameter Type
image text
width number
height number
alignment text

Return Type: text



Creates an horizontal line

Return Type: text



Creates a table. Headers is a list with the column names, alignments is a list to specify text alignment for each column, overflowWrap is a list to specify how the text should wrap in each column(normal,anywhere,break-word), data is a list that contains the table rows, and headerBackground is a boolean to specify if the column headers should have a gray background.

Parameter Type
headers list
alignments list
overflowWrap list
data list
headerBackground boolean

Return Type: text



Renders the receipt in a given webview. Items is a list of the elements of the receipt, scale is a number to specify the quality scale of the image (0.5-3 is recommendend), includeBase64Prefix is a boolean to specify if the base64 prefix should be included in the result and aditionalCSS is a string to specify additional CSS to be included in the HTML Receipt.

Parameter Type
webViewer component
items list
scale text
includeBase64Prefix boolean
aditionalCSS text



Returns the HTML of the receipt. Items is a list of the elements of the receipt, scale is a number to specify the quality scale of the image (0.5-3 is recommendend), includeBase64Prefix is a boolean to specify if the base64 prefix should be included in the result and aditionalCSS is a string to specify additional CSS to be included in the HTML Receipt.

Parameter Type
items list
scale text
includeBase64Prefix boolean
aditionalCSS text

Return Type: text

EscPos Commands Methods:



Converts a large image to a list of commands to print it. String is a valid base64image with no prefix, dotsPerLine is the number of dots per line typically 384, threshold is a number from 0 to 255 (128 recommended), useDithering(true/false).

Parameter Type
base64Img text
dotsPerLine number
threshold number
useDithering boolean

Return Type: list



This block returns the command to cut the printers paper. fullCut (true/falase). If true the printer will fully cut the paper, if false it will be only a partial cut.

Parameter Type
fullCut boolean

Return Type: list



This block returns the command to cut the printers paper. Alt is a number (1 or 2) to return different variants of this command.

Parameter Type
alt number

Return Type: list



This block will initialize or restore the default settings of your printer

Return Type: list



This block will return the command to feed the printers paper. Lines is a number of the amount of lines to be fed

Parameter Type
lines number

Return Type: list

This documentation was generated using Akshat Developer’s Documentation Generator.

Instructions to use the extension and considerations

To generate a printable receipt you can use the BuildReceipt block. Youll need a WebView to preview the receipt output and the content you want to print. Here’s an example of the block usage.

With this block the receipt will be automatically showed in the web view

One of the block parameters is a WebView, so you’ll need an event for it, especifically String Change. This event will be triggered when the receipt is rendered on the webview

The value returned with this event is a base64 image of the receipt. I recommend you to store that into a variable so you can use it as you want. You could store it in your device using a Base64 to image extension, or obviously do the printing.

For the printing part this extension can convert the escpos commands of that receipt.
blocks (26)

Have in mind that this extension as well as my other thermal printing extension doesn’t manage the connection with the printer. For the connection you could use the BluetoothClient component, my SimpleSocket extension, (included in this extension) or soon my SimpleUSBConnector. In order to help visualize an example i’ll use the Bluetooth component:

Heres an example video:

In the video the printing was intended to be to a 57 mm width printer but mine is 80mm. But changing the width parameter you get this result:


Reasons to use this extension:

  • Print receipts with better design
  • Override character and font restrictions of some printers

Reasons not to use this extension:

  • The receipts that are generated are images and thermal printers also have restrictions for printing images, for example these should not be larger than 256pixels in height. So in this extension, the conversion to esc/pos commands is done by separating the image into subimages smaller than 256 pixels and printing them one by one. This means that depending on the parameters (width and threshold) used in the printing you may see small jumps in the printing of the image.

ps: sorry for the red line on the paper, i ran out of it testing this during development :frowning:

  • The quality of the printed text is not as good as when using an esc/pos text command.

Basically i don’t like this method of printing but some users may find it comfortable. In my tests i found out that this method works better with 57mm receipts as the jumps are not noticable, with 80mm they’are always there but with different threshold values you can reduce it a lot.


Purchase this extension only if you are sure of the possible issues that you may encounter. This extension is provided “AS IS,” without any warranties of any kind, express or implied. All sales are final. No refunds will be provided under any circumstances.

This extension may receive updates for bug fixing and new features, you’ll receive this new updates with no extra charge on the email you provide when buying the extension.

Resources and references used for this development:

Purchase the extension

This extension is $8.00 USD and can be bought on here:

You’ll get the following files:

  • Example aia
  • Extension aix

Let me know if i can help you before or after purchasing this extension.