[PAID] ScanKit: AI enabled feature-rich Document Scanner (INR 551 or $8)

1. Introduction

Description: Using this extension you can use AI features of ML Kit to scan documents.Once the document scanner flow is triggered from your app, users retain full control over the scanning process. They can optionally crop the scanned documents, apply filters, remove shadows or stains, and easily send the digitized files back to your app.

Latest Version: 2
Released: 2024-04-04T18:30:00Z
Last Updated: 2024-05-06T18:30:00Z

Key Features:

  • High-quality and consistent user interface for digitizing physical documents.
  • Automatic capture with document detection.
  • Accurate edge detection for optimal crop results.
  • Automatic rotation detection to show documents upright.
  • Editing functionalities to crop, apply filters, remove shadows, clean stains, and seamlessly send digitized files back to your app.
  • On-device processing, preserving user’s privacy.
  • No camera permission is needed from your app.

2. Blocks


3. Docs


ErrorOccurred Event raised when any error occurs
errorMsg | text
GotScanResult Event raised after getting scanning results
pageCount | number
pagesList | list
pdfUri | text
ScanCancelled Event raised when scanning is cancelled by user


Initialize Initialize Scanner with specified parameters
galleryImport | boolean
pageLimit | number
resultFormat | text
scannerMode | number
Scan Launch Document Scanner activity
ClearCache Clear cache from device


Property Type : read-only
Accepts : text
Property Type : read-only
Accepts : text
Property Type : read-only
Accepts : text
ScannerModeFull Adds ML-enabled image cleaning capabilities (erase stains, fingers, etc…) to the BaseWithFilter mode
Property Type : read-only
Accepts : number
ScannerModeBase Basic editing capabilities (crop, rotate, reorder pages, etc)
Property Type : read-only
Accepts : number
ScannerModeBaseWithFilter Adds image filters (grayscale, auto image enhancement, etc…) to the Base mode.
Property Type : read-only
Accepts : number

4. Usages

5. Samples and Demos

Scanner Modes

Example results

Original picture Scanned document with perspective corrected, wrinkle removed and grayscale filter applied
Original picture Scanned document auto-rotated with stain removed and color filter applied
Original picture Scanned document with stain removed and auto filter applied
Original picture Scanned document auto-rotated with shadow removed and auto filter applied
Original picture Scanned document auto-rotated with finger removed and auto filter applied

Demo video

6. Purchase

Thank you.
Hope it helps!


Is this extension have enhance document feature?

It has Auto filter feature which according to Google is Auto image enhancement.
Check results above.


Test apk???

You can check demo video in first post.
Sorry for the apk, I’ll not provide demo apk.

ChangeLog Version 2

  • Reduced aix size to 977kb
  • Extension does not crash companion now
    Though it will not work in companion
  • Added no conflict version as well to integrate other ML Kit extensions also in you project