[PAID] PdfBook: Create eBooks with ease [$8 or INR 551]

1. Introduction

Description: Create eBooks from local pdf or remote pdf with real-time experience of reading a book
Latest Version: 1
Released: 2023-05-29T18:30:00Z
Last Updated: 2023-05-29T18:30:00Z

2. Blocks



3. Usage

First set properties (Optional)

If AudioFile is in assets, a sound will play when you flip the pages. So keep the duration as small as possible.

Then initialize book viewer
Works with Drive url too

RemovePdfBook detaches previous viewer from its parent container

Open desired page

4. Preview


5. Purchase



Thank you.
Hope it helps!


Apk please for testing

but how to display offline pdfs by this extension (difference devices has different pdfPath).
can you share the block or apk?

See the Initialize method here. It accepts pdf path.
Also see the demo video after 23 sec.

PDFs show from web (https://freetestddata.com) not from assets. i need to show my pdfs from assets.

There is a button named PickPdf. When you click that button it opens SAF file picker where you can choose a pdf file to display.
It doesn’t not support displaying pdf from assets, however I can add it.
Do you want demo apk?

if it doesn’t support displaying pdf from assets, so its not helpful for me. i have offline materials with large size (10MB) of pdfs…


You can be an optimist.
Option1: Pdf can be copied to ASD from assets
Option2: If you are serious about purchasing the extension then I’m ready to add that feature to extension.

Than please add. I just a need a pdf extension which can run smoothly in all devices.

Note: displaying PDFs files from assets. (Offline mode)

I have use some PDFs extension some are paid and some free.

  1. Pdf quality issue
  2. Scrolling issues
  3. Larg pdf ( 10-15mb ) having misbehaving issues.

Hope this extension will resolved all issues.


Alright I’ll implement that.
But first I would like you to test the demo apk to see if it is actually the thing you are looking for.

As you wish

Demo apk for test ???

why you give the “pick pdfs” option in the app we don’t making a pdf reader app, we need a extension who open own pdfs file (which are uploaded by developers) from assets.
and please add vertical and horizontal option. shutter sound is irretating.

a simple pdfs extension but can open heavy pdfs files. like as:-

however, there are pdf extension availabe on web, but some has quality issue and some can’t open heavy pdfs files. above blocks has scrolling issues otherwise is best.
hope your extension will resolve these issues.


That can be added.

Sure. Are you okay with page transform? Or want it to be more simplified?

Currently the extension is for creating eBooks to give realtime book reading experience. Although it can be used for various purposes.

There are other pdf extensions available, which already can do what yiu want, for example App Inventor Extensions: Pdf | Pura Vida Apps


Yeah , I tried but his demo apk not working, I already contact him for scrolling and heavy PDFs files related questions.

So it means this extension has no scrolling or quality issues?
All you want is

  • feature to load Pdf from assets
  • Vertical orientation

I don’t know there is know demo apk.

I am pretty sure I shared apk with you.

No no you understand wrong I mean taifun extension demo apk doesn’t work.
I already test and responded about your demo apk. See my above message where I share some blocks with you.