Want In App PDF viewer extension

There are too many people’s who want this extension for their educational app to show pdf notes within app with customisations.

I request to @ExtensionDevelopers to make an extension to show pdf files within app with features like:

  1. Slide pages with a slider,
  2. Adjust the size of arrangement where pdf is being shown.
  3. Title bar customisations.
  4. Jump to a specific page.
  5. Copy pdf text to clipboard.
  6. Load pdf from a) Assets and b) from Directory (phone memory).
  7. Load pdf from URL

I know there are many ways to show pdf files but need an extension.

There is an extension from deep host callled ‘InApp Pdf viewer’ but lack of customisations and it is not so useful.

If any extension develper build this type of extension, he can share it with community either free or paid, we will happily buy this extension.

Do you want such type of extension??

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  • No

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You check this ?

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If you want to make your app offline then you can use the extension. You can also load pdf with a webviewer. Just upload pdf file to cloudinary or firebase then load it’s url in webviewer


This works only with small user base.
When users increases you will hit your free limit and will result in the link ban


This is the temporary solution

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Please add from URL too.

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This can be an alternative…

As I said, there are many ways but an extension with all customisations will be great.

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I have found a wonderful tool while looking for source code of chromium browser:
Here you can view local pdf files with a lot of tools.


Can we implement it in Kodular? If yes, then how?

Either load page or html in webviewer.

Can you please explain it.

Simply load the url using GoToUrl method or load html source using LoadHTML method of webviewer.


Which url? Pdf url?

This url :

Okay, there is already a pdf file loaded. How can we load our pdf files?

There is a button to load pdf from device.

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This is a good tool to open pdf files manually from device storage but i think we can not open a pdf file directly into this viewer.

I think you can.
You have to just modify its html source.


I am write this block but its not work for me. can it possible to make offline pdf viewer by this method. please check and tell me.

Create a Custom PDF Viewer With JavaScript by Traversy Media

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