Permanently delete data from a List View Image and Text

It was this one, which I had already posted previously and it gave me an error…

can you send what is your list view image text looks like?

Try this, let me know if that is what you wanted

Clienti2.aia (20.1 KB)

Ya in this image from the block "Remove item’s Index part remove that blue block and put get Position. That’s what you should. Do like my image says. ALittle miscommunication

i did that in .aia i’ve uploaded above and modified global Clients structure, just wait the guy to try that.

position in list view image and text should be added by 1

Ohh I didn’t Check Yours

It gives me another error:
“The operation select list item cannot accept the arguments: , [file:///storage/emulated/0/Pictures/IMG_20180930_184730_958.jpg|Thanks - Dorado |00000000], [1]”

:sleepy: :sleepy:

Where exactly does it show that error? i am afk

If I insert two Items into the Image and Text View List and then delete the last Item, this appears when I refresh the screen:

So the error remains and it gives me a blank screen without even the first Item loaded…

I said where

I don’t know, I only initially load the Items as a first test, then I delete the last item (always as a Test), the procedure works but if I refresh the screen it gives me an error, that’s all, the error is described from the RunTime banner:
"The operation select list item cannot accept the arguments: …

You can do by connect to companion and right click on your block and click do it

Is the delete permanently works for you?

Ok, I’ll give it a try…

Error occurs at “Initialize Screen1”
after carrying out the test, right-click on DO IT

Can you show the block of screen initialize?

I’ll do it right away…

What error in imposta global clients a?

No error, I noticed that it is a bug in the system, it has happened to me other times that it gives me this error but then the project works fine…
I’ll send you another screenshot…

to correct the Variable error I select another variable from the drop-down menu and then restore the name of the variable that gave the error and eliminate the inconvenience of the workspace control…