Permanently delete data from a List View Image and Text

Hello all dear friends, I need a little advice please, how can I permanently delete a piece of data in a List View Image and Text? I show you my block which deletes the data but not permanently.
Thank you all :slight_smile:

please Post English Blocks

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By default I have the browser in my language (Italian) and also the Kodular editor, but I imagine that the type of components is still understood and consequently my blocks are translated into my language…
Thanks anyway :wink:

Anyways As ai understood. (Thanks to Google lens translation feature) if a user clicks on list view with image item. I deleted the specific item in list. And set’s the Customer list tag in tiny db with Some other list of customers and shows it’s count in label. And you want to show on the label the length of list with deleted items am I right ?

but please post the english version, eventhough already using google lens to translate, still it takes time

Thanks friend, now I upload my block in the English version.
I wanted to remind you of my question, how can I permanently delete the data selected in the List View Image and Text component?
As I did it deletes it but doesn’t store it as deleted


what is inside global Clients?

what if you remove it from your list right before Tiny_DB store value?


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That is Because You are deleting from the list view but saving the original list on the tiny db

do like this :


I tried to follow the advice you gave me and I get this error even changing from Position to Title or SubTitle or Image:

“Remove list item: Attempt to remove item 0 of the list ((file:///storage/emulated/0/Pictures/Instagram/IMG_20220625_201406_505.jpg Orme - Via dell’imbrecciato, 133 069856596) (file:///storage /emulated/0/Pictures/Instagram/IMG_20220625_201406_595.jpg I Fedelissimi - Via Adeotato Matricardi, 56 0965321580)). The minimum valid item number is 1.”

PM me your AIA I will fix it and give it to you

Thank you, can I send it to you in my language? Unfortunately I saved it like this, otherwise I have to rebuild it all in English and it will take me some time…

yes sure. I have translate plugin

Thanks, I’ll do it right away even though I haven’t finished it yet… :wink:

This is my project:
Clienti2.aia (19.4 KB)

Try replacing index in list block with get position block

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Hi, but I’ve already done it, if you look at the block I uploaded you’ll see that I did as you suggest

Please Quote it I cannot spot sorry

Okay, I’ll try to look online for another solution, thanks a lot for your support anyway, bye friend :slightly_smiling_face:

I meant To say please send it again I am not able to see which image you are talking about :joy:

ok, I’ll look for the photo :rofl: :rofl: