Permission problem

On my application there are songs and i put them to the asset. When i open it it says there iş no permission. Then i have to give permission on applications for the first time. People might not know that and they might want to delete the app. What should i do for this?

will this be solution. Please, my app iş on play store and i have to solve this immidiately.

If your audio files are only in the assets, no permission is required. However, since your app is requesting permission, we need to see your blocks to know why it is being requested.

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Thanks i upload it soon.

Just post your blocks here. Downloading and importing aia takes a lot of time.

This is the reason:
(Note: the TaifunFile extension does not ask for WRITE permission automatically.)

Why are the audio files copied to this directory? They are not used in the app (from this folder / path).

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Ok. I got it. On audio sharing and playing apps i used it. I did the same thing but they are not necessary now. Thank you very much.

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