point system app

I have created a quiz app. And I want to put a point system in it

Separate screens to earn quizzes and prizes. And
Whenever someone clicks the button, they get points and for playing the quiz, it must be reduced by 100 points.
An ad that earns points appears.
And when you reopen the quiz, a point is needed again to open the quiz.

Please explain how to do it
What is the best way and how can I do this?

If this is voluntary then that’s ok. If it’s a requirement to continue then it may be classified as “earning”.

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It is possible with some logic, tiny db and online database like firebase.


I have a doubt regarding this issue. I am now building a game in kodular. It has many levels.When someone clicks a button on a level he gets 10 point and i did it successfully , But when he attempts it for second time or when he click that same button for second time , he shouldnt get the point . Please tell me how not to give the point twice…

create a list = number of levels with zeroes and ones
Once a reward is given change value and store in db.
Use If block to constrain.

Basic level algorithm.

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That is right
Use list for each level
Use Tiny db to store.