Poll aia purchase

Actually I am also trying to make it.

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I’m unable to post a video of the bug.
I’m unable to post the video I want, it’s posting something else.

hmm, that parallax need some little work


It’s very old…
Worked a lot on it after that video :sweat_smile::joy:

Phew it didn’t post something personal.

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:heart_eyes: :star_struck:

Ok Then Now I Am Motivated To Work On Build 4


Can you give me the requirements?
Like does it have to be linked to airtable?

I’ll try to make it too if I get enough free time.

that’s not what i am setting

the one whom created the topic shared image from a youtube poll

so i am trying to make it as close to as of youtube polls
with little of more flexibility from admin side

and she said she wanted to use airtable as the database

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This is not what @ADDYLIN can answer you should ask OP that is @Brian_suter

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Consider This As A Patch Of Pointed Issues

Build 3.1

Poll.apk (5.5 MB)


So It Looks Like Any Major Issue Is Eradicated With Build 3.1

Now @Kshitij I Am Waiting For Your Build And Maybe Yours @AtharvaPawar
Wish You Both Luck,
And I Expect A Very Healthy Outcome From You.

Now Finally After A Week Of Pain In My Back I Can Return To Complete Watching Naruto.


@ADDYLIN maximum number of people .how far are you on this project\

it’s done :point_down:


:grey_question: :grey_question: :grey_question:

1 million users

now that’s not a concern (or will that always be)

you tested the .apk,
how it is

will test it shortly

ok after testing drop me with how it is,

then say me how worth it is for the

Poll .aia Purchase

pleasev give me poll aia

try making it by yours
it’s easy, if you try to think of it.

Currently I Am Not In Mood Of Dropping The .aia
I Still Have One Small Improvement In My Mind To Make.
And That Improvement Need Some Improvements Before Being Blocked.

And I Am Not Going To Make That Until I Get Any Kind Of Motive For Doing That.

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@ADDYLIN send me your paypal address.

This could actually be done really easily with some backend programming and a minimum amount of blocks.
Could be done in python flask with a postgres database, I don’t think it’d take much time to make such a thing. Doing this with services like Firebase or other databases would take a lot of blocks while coding this yourself would just be sending a request over to a server and the server does everything itself.
Then you’d only need to have blocks for formatting the poll.