I want to post request with my web api and this way my web site can create an order.
When i tried this method in kodular it is worked! but not for all datas.
Here is my kodular blocks;
Web url format is: https://example.com/ /wp-json/wc/v3/orders?consumer_key=ck_xxxx&consumer_secret=cs
With above blocks i can succesfully post with main array which are “payment_method”,“set_paid”,“payment_method_title” but i can not post first name, last name under the “billing” array. How can i run this ?,
The api intruction is in below,
sorry, did not worked. and it does not make sense because in my json data both under the billing object and shipping object includes “first_name” string.
I am sorry, I have not being paying attention! You probably need to manually create a json string for your “substring”. Back in a minute with an example here…
Like this ?
You may need to post all your parameters in a json string…
Please , can you tell me how can i setup but not for header but for the Body ? Is it Possible to setup not the header but the Body with by example ==> Content-Type ?