Problem text to number

By decompiling the apk and edit smali files

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Strange, I got that to on mobile while it works on desktop…

Edit, works if you are logged in.

Logged in to what?

Thunkable of course

Ok, I never registered there.
But is that really a practicable solution to the original problem, to modify the APK?

I do this. It double check. Works with me on first click even with no multiple of 80.

We already know that and I have stated it here many times.
You set the Slider.TumbPosition twice, which has the same effect as Boban has shown:


Take a closer look at the Slider component (→

appinventor-sources/ at master · mit-cml/appinventor-sources · GitHub

and you will (hopefully) understand it.

Sorry I didn’t read all posts I just wanted to share to @Manguil what I usually do.