Hello everyone, i need help to solved a problema that appears when i want to get tag list and value from two different project bucker in firebase .
the problem is when I do the for each, apparently there is a delay between one and the other and the information reaches kodular incompletely. If you see in the images the 2 values of the first tag appear as “empty-string”. Do you know how to solve this? Using a clock?
Instead of getting value one and again, you can get whole value and tag list at once in the form of JSON.
For example, When you call the get method for ‘Calificacion’, it gives you a JSON data and you can convert that JSON data into a dictionary. So it will be easier to read values for each tag.
It is not possible because the different project buckets and tags are dynamic and they change as users rate others, it changes all the time, so I need to make a logic compatible with that. then that information is fed into a dynamic cardview. You understand?
What you propose is very interesting, I am new to this world of application programming, I do not know very well what JSON files are, could you show me an example of how I could do it with kodular blocks? I would really appreciate it