Project deleted

I deleted my project in 2 days

Plz tell me how can I get it back


Fortunately, you can
See this:

And here:

I will see it and get back to u
Btw did that helped to get back ur project?

Well, i din’t delete my project before :upside_down_face:.But i saw people trying it and its working, Also, you can trust kodular :wink:. But you must do it quickly because the backup system automatically removes your projects in any time.

Great.I hope it works :blush:If so you can mark my answer as solution :+1:

You’re welcome :grinning:

Can u tell me how can I get my project back
Bc I don’t understand that u send me

Just send a personal message to @Diego.
Note : i’m not sure why the topic got unlisted :thinking:

I send a personal message to him but he didn’t replay

When did you send it to him?Because kodular stuff isn’t online on the community 24 hours of course .Don’t expect he will answer you immediately

In 1 hour.

Just wait and be patient. We are at night now.

Ok thanks


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