Qr decode extension offline problem

noting because this will search in main storage…
But the image in sd card not in the main storage…

Do you know! If i tried /1.jpg
The path will be like that : /storage/emulated/0/1.jpg

And this is right… If was the file in main storage…
But the file in sd card, that is mean the path will be : /storage/emulated/sdcard/1.jpg

That is required from you @vknow360 to delete " /0 " from your extension source… Plz…

Do you understand me?

Are you even able to load image from that path in a image component

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I only want from you @Boban @vknow360 to understand that the problem from extension not blocks…

The extension dont allow to decode images from sd card

any Solution, plz ?

i want to delete /0 from extension defult path

@Boban @vknow360 @DevYB @Peter @Taifun

Why don’t you temporarily copy the file to /storage/emulated/0 and delete it from the directory once done reading the QR code?

@Vishwas i want to make app make user can pick qr code from sd card and main storage

afaik the image picker is only able to pick from the internal sdcard
also your path to your external sdcard does not seem to be correct…
you can find out the correct path after using the AvailableStorageDirectories method from the file extension App Inventor Extensions: File | Pura Vida Apps


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3 posts were split to a new topic: TaifunFile.AvailableStorageDirectories method does not provide external sdcard on huawei y7 prime 2018 . android 8

@Taifun I just want to delete " /0 " from the default path generated by the extension, from the source code …

This is, of course, with the permission of its owner @vknow360

which device / Android version are you using for your tests?
you should have received 2 directories, the internal and the external…

@vknow360 might want to think about adding this feature into the extension


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huawei y7 prime 2018 . android 8 @Taifun i have received only 1 directories , the internal …

i wish it @vknow360

Thanks @vknow360 :blush:

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