Qr decode extension offline problem



Now I have two questions:
1.Have you more than one sdcard in your phone?
2.What is file’s path in File Explorer?

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@Boban not working because it delete from image path not from extension path

@vknow360 1- no , only one
2- /storage/emulated/D08E-901D/1.jpg

Try this one…


Add a label and show us what you get


i tried it before :slight_smile:

@Boban see this

PM me your aia file…

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It’s confusing as you have mentioned multiple paths

@vknow360 ok i will do it now .

@Boban i just need to decode qr image from sd card , but the extension auto generate this path " /storage/emulated/0 " and added it to any other path . and this is the problem .

The only thing I can think of is that you have space in the segment block

@vknow360 see your inbox plz …

Looking at this, it seem to have space in it

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@Boban no it have not any spaces >>

i will send to you the aia also , can i do that ?

Your aia doesn’t tell me much however, may I ask do you have folders named

  • storage
  • emulated
  • 0

if so the code above wont work

That’s why a suggested this so we can see your path

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ok i will do it now

@Boban @vknow360

see that plz , the first label is the image path

and the second label is the final path

in this case we need to delete /0/storage

Unfamiliar with that path is your phone rooted

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@Boban my phone is not rooted…

The problem in the extension because it have a defult path in thier source… Do you understand me?

what happens when you use /1.jpg as path?

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