Qr : Read and Create Bar Code offline

I think you have not asked for READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission.

You Should Add @UsesPermission(permissionNames =“android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE”) Below @SimpleObject in Your Java File​:slightly_smiling_face:

Hi @Androking
Thank you for your advice :slightly_smiling_face:
I already use UsesPermission annotation.
As we all know it does not asks for permission and instead of that it adds permission to manifest.
But I liked your idea and in the next version it will automatically ask for Read/Write permissions if they are not asked by app.

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@chandilarocky09 stop spamming all threads stick on your original post nand be patient.


It is always good idea that a component or extension automatically requests the required permissions.

But if this is the case, the .PermissionGranted event is not triggered. To guarantee this (for whatever reason), you have to ask for this permission manually (expressly), in your case: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE.

This is sufficient because it implicitly grants READ permission.


See also here:

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ChangeLog Version 3

New methods

  • Added BarcodeFormats method


  • Removed Qr related methods and events.Now you can generate qr using GenerateBarCode method by using QR_CODE as barFormat.
  • Now it will automatically ask for Read and Write permissions if they are not granted/enabled.
    Thanks to @Androking and @bodymindpower :heart_eyes:

Everyone tries to add/increase features in next version but probably I am the first who tries to remove features in latest versions :innocent:

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it may be useful for beginners. I did this. sending the result to social networks



Hi @vknow360,

First of all thank you giving this AIX for free. I am very new to Kodular and this is my very first post here asking for guidance for all the gurus reading this post.

@vknow360 I am testing and trying to test your AIX but got stuck. The QR code was NOT generated under Screen.Initialize BUT no issue with Button.Click.

This could be easy for some but been trying for couple of days now, thanks for all the help in advance!

Hi @clem.sabarias Welcome to Kodular Community
I have not tested that method on Screen.Initialize so I can’t say why it does not works.
Try using a clock at screen initialize and creating bar after timer.
Can you send me a sample apk?

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Hi @vknow360,

Attached are the test files, thank you very much.

TestQR.aia (14.2 KB) TestQR.apk (5.2 MB)

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Hi @vknow360,

Using clock works during screen initialisation and then disable the clock afterwards, again thanks and kudos.

Thanks and best regards,


Thank you very much for this excellent extension I am using it and at the moment everything is correct :sonriente: :sonriente:

Glad you liked it :heart_eyes:

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Where is generated qr code stored in phone?? And second is can i use camera component to scan qr code

The path you specify in file path.

No.The extension can only decode barcode from file.

So what’s the utility if we can’t use camera component to scan image file having qr code???

Then use Barcode Scanner component.

How did you make it work?

Kindly elaborate the problem you are facing.