QR Scanner & Generator (App live in Samsung galaxy store). Now in play store also

What is the name of your app?

QR Scanner & Generator

Describe your app:

It is a simple app which generate and Scan QR with simple UI.


App Store/Download link:


Visit my website to get APK
Overall General - Download QR Scanner & Generator (google.com)

My app YouTube video

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Nice app but improve your ui to make your app better

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UI should be improved. You should use the text box and image at the middle instead of top and the button color should be improved.

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Why does it require internet connection??

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Qr Code component uses an API to generate the code.


@Overall_General User experience would have been better if you have generated QR code offline.


Ok. I will try to make it offline in the upcoming update.


My app YouTube video

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Visit my website : Overall General

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What is the name of your app?

QR Scanner & Generator v1.3

Describe your app:

It is a simple app which generate and Scan QR with simple UI.


Rounded buttons and updated buttons.

App Store/Download link:

QR Scanner & Generator (samsung.com)
Download APK from - https://sites.google.com/view/overall-general/download-qr-scanner-generator

My QR Scanner & Generator app features

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It still needs internet connection?

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Yes, I will make it offline in my next update

App demonstration

My QR Scanner & Generator app to be soon live in the google play store.
Check out my new google play developer page - https://play.google.com/store/apps/dev?id=9140496418810779351

App now live in google play
QR Scanner & Generator - Apps on Google Play
Please download, rate the app and share your experience.

Why do you need internet connetivity for scanning and generating QR codes?

Lol, really? That should be fixed or changed asap, imo.

However, App Inventor now uses Zxing library to generate QR code.