Query about firebase authentication

is there any way to use firebase authentication without adding json file to assets?
i want to use firestore extention for my project, but that extention made an error when adding json file to my assets

Welcome !
Read :

Two ways…

Firebase with a Web Component

Firebase Authentication with Web component and HTML

i know this way , but i want a solution to use firebase auth without adding google-service.json file

Why is the error occurring? Maybe it’s something you didn’t do correctly.

I think this would be the shortest way:
find out why the error is occurring.

But, you have 2 more authentication options posted above.

i think it’s a better way , but i can’t understand correctly, can any one to help me , please give me an aia

I do not work in Kodular, so sorry, no aia files, everything is there that you need for you to copy though…

Can you Provide Aia File Let me Check it

You Can Also Do It

Manual Upload

  1. After Unzipping I have Provide Below (Txt1)
  2. Go to asset
  3. Add the service Google Json File
  4. Close the editor if you have Edited the file name change it again to .aia Extn You have Uploaded

If You Get server Error then this can help You

If you have any other error then Remove that error making Extension Or screen through Aia and Open it in Zip Opener

Steps For Server error

1 . Export Aia File
2 . This Step Depends on Zip Opener

 **For 7 zip(Txt1)**

A. Right click
B. 7 zip
C. Open Archive

 **For Win Rar and others**

A.Rename the File .Aia extn to zip

3.This Step Depends on Which type of error your having

   **For extension error**

A. Asset then External_
B. Delete the Extension which has Error ,problem should be solver

   **For Screen error**

A.open Src
B.open io
C.open Kodular
D.Then You will see Bky and Scm files
E. Delete your Screen Bky and Scm Files

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i used this extension , we cant use this extension with firebase auth and firebse db provided by kodular. but we can use this firebase storage.