I have a question related a badge.And that is ’ Tech Support ’ badge.
The question is that I have seen many users with this badge without having 10 accepted solutions in the community.
As its description tells-
It is granted when you have 10 accepted solutions in community
Also I got this badge when i have 9 accepted solutions.
So can anyone clear my doubt?
Theoretically, a user should only get this badge when he/she currently has 10 accepted answers (solutions). But sometimes it happens people who visited the topic think the nth post is the solution, however it was not solution for the quiestion writer. Or the answerer just deletes his/her reply.
What I can imagine is this badge system does not count down on values, and keeps the post like a solution.
Referring to my stats, I can say the values at summary and at Prokoder requirements are not equal.
Account: 27,4K posts read
Summary: 28,3K posts read