randomize a list with images, text and subtitles according to
My block doesn’t have output like
"image1 + title1 + subtitle1
, image3 + title3 + subtitle3,
image2 + title2 + subtitle2 "
I want it to show results
randomize a list with images, text and subtitles according to
I want it to show results
Use this block and get title, subtitle, image
This will work
random1.aia (44.1 KB)
I get all listings, why is not the format “(image1 + title1 + subtitle1)”
“(image3 + title3 + subtitle3)”
“(image2 + title2 + subtitle2)”
Marked as solution but still query is going on.
Wait untill your query solved then click solution. See now @dora_paz added aia file, if it is works mark solution to this aia file. No hurry… @dora_paz kodular won’t let you go without solution… you can extract as much as solution from him, such nice person he is.
from her
Oh, so sorry. Nice to hear from you and you are dedicating many contribution to kodular community . Keep it up…
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