Reflex 4.0.2 - Change your status bar πŸ₯³

Thanks for the update :+1:

doesn’t working your extension

What Android version are you running?

android version 8 on real device & emulator android 9

Before I investigate further into your issue, Id like to warn you that the license for Reflex requires you to publish your changes publicly if any were made.

Thank you.

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And we go out with a :boom:! This was the final release of Reflex as most, if not all, of its issues have been ironed out, source hasn’t been published to GitHub at this time.

Thank you to everyone who has used Reflex in their projects, and I hope you use my extensions in the future as well. Have an awesome day :sunglasses:!

:link: Download from GitHub
:mag: View this release on GitHub


2021 Appathon

Hi all!

Following is a line from the 2021 Appathon FAQ.

You may use any extensions from MIT, or any free extension so long as you include a note from the extension author that it can be redistributed by MIT as part of the competition.

I’m not sure if this applies to free extensions, as I’m a bit confused by the sentence, however since my PMs are closed… Reflex is allowed to be redistributed by MIT as part of the competition.

Good luck and have fun!


what’s the difference between your block of changing status bar light style and the block which is already present in kodular

It’s not just a block, it’s multiple. There are many different things you can do if you taken a look around.

do you have any working aia file with reflex hided status bar, please
and one more question, can i hide simbols too, like time and another
i try to make full screen apk

Hi, i have tried to change the color of the statusbar icon to dark using reflex as my status bar is white. But i couldnt get it done. Can anyone please show me how its correctly done or can i even use reflex for this purpose?

Set SetLayout to a root arrangement (the one that everything is child to) and set ToggleStatusBarLightStyle to true and then use RequestInitialization afterwards.

People seem to be misleading you… With Reflex you can’t hide the status bar, you can only change the color of the background and icon colors of both the navigation bar and status bar.


thank you Natan, that you bring me this information is very kind of you.

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Thank you man. It worked.

Its Not Work for me

Your screenshot has no details. Like, what’s not working?

See The Vertical Arrangement height. It’s too big from
main status bar

@Avijit Reflex wasn’t made for setting heights of views to the heights of the system views.

P.S. This isn’t a Reflex issue, this is related to your device.

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Nice Extension But how to use any Block screenshot

Hi @Anil_M,

It’s likely you didn’t look at the beginning of the topic, as there’s images of methods and their descriptions there. Use the RequestInitialization method after changing properties in bulk for them to take effect.


– :octopus: Nathan