Runtime Error Select list item: Attempt to get item number 1 of a list of length 0:

kk wait Imma try this Method

Error 404

When I was about to download this Extension

You didnt Initialized global response where is the Initialization of your global response?

You also didnt initialized Global Fields

So you don’t follow the blocks it seems…

Need aia?


Pls make sure, your base id, API key and table name are valid also the column name should match with your query

yes it is Valid

See your mistakes.

field= fields

Replace all the,

get global response = get global fields

I fixed it but still showing same errors and the lists are not Showing

What should I put here that Spreadsheet is does not get Value for Image and Title?

What should I put here that Spreadsheet is does not get Value for Image and Title?


this is ok, no problem

Why the Data on the Airtable is not showing?

It works on you but on Mine its not working

The Error is still Showing…

You got the answer in your another post . Just follow that you wl succeded

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