Same Admob Intersitital link go to different page

There are 10 buttons on 1 screen. Each button opens an interstitial admob 1 link and after the ad is closed, it redirects to the relevant page. All intersitial admob ad account is the same. I want each button to open different pages after running the same admob intersitital. How can I do that?

Make sure how long the ad mob to run.

When user hits in button make ad mob visible and also clock to timer. After particular period say 10s or 20s make clock to stop timer, at this point design your app to open particular webpage as you desire and ad mob visible to false

if the user herself turns off the ad?

No way in the above said process. Ad will pop up till the clock stop timer. Suppose in the ad page itself if close symbol is there then user can close it

Ok.I Understand. I will try that.Thanks