Send Mail (2023)

I would like to create an app to send emails independently.
I would like to set the SMTP parameters directly.
I can’t find any extensions that work.
Can anyone give me some pointers on extensions that currently work?

A list of email solutions is here App Inventor Tutorials and Examples: Send Mail | Pura Vida Apps

My mail extension is working fine


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I had already seen this page but with gmail things have changed.
Your extension has two problems:
1 - It’s not free,
2 - Does not work easily with Gmail.
As you report: “starting from 2022-05-30 Google does not allow less secure apps anymore. You have to sign in with App passwords now.” But I don’t understand how I will then have to enter the “password is a 16-digit passcode”.
Are there any other extensions?

The video is in Spanish, I personally have not confirmed its operation but you can try it

This is a Google feature to provide more security…
If you want to use Gmail, then you have to follow their rules… but where exactly is the problem to follow these rules?


I watched the video. It is also understandable without audio. The app made in kodular transmits the data to a Google script which then sends the email to the server. The problem is that I didn’t see the possibility of sending attachments and I’m afraid that in this mode you can’t. I’ll try it anyway. Thank you.

From what I have read, if possible send attachments

Yes, but from what I have read, it is not possible to send files but only links to google-drive files. Whoever receives does not receive the file but the link.


Yes, I tried this and it works well.

And also using this solution you must follow the Google rules as mentioned earlier


Yes, if you want to use a Google account you need to generate a specific password for use with apps. This extension seems to work well with all mail servers.

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